Hello to all Year 8 Geographers.
You will shortly be receiving your pack from school with assignments for all subjects.
You will need to look on the CD for the Year 8 Geography assignments and lesson.
The first document you will need to look at and work through is the Year 8 Geography Review Lesson. You will need to use your copy of New Key Geography Foundations to help you.
Read all the instructions carefully.
You should complete the task on A4 lined paper.
The second lesson is the Year 8 Geography Lesson 1.
This lesson further develops your map skills. It asks you to look at distance and use scale on maps.
You should read the instructions on the CD AND in the NKGF VERY CAREFULLY.
Complete all the sctivities on lined paper.
** You can ask any questions on this forum and post soft copies of your work to my EBIS e-mail account as follows:
julie.butler@els- egypt.com
Good luck
Ms Butler