You should not write any comments on this page as it is just for information. I will start a page named 'questions about E-revision' for any questions you may have.
Subtopic:How to write an address.
Where you can study from: You can review previous E-learning video or worksheet entitled ‘addresses’.
Use search engine online.
Topic:Closest and furthest
Subtopic:Explain who lives closest of furthest away from a certain landmark/feature.
Where you can study from:Review ‘closest and furthest’ worksheet.
Topic:Going to school
Subtopic: Tally chart - recording information into a tally chart. (Enables children to answer questions quickly and easily).
Where you can study from: Review copybook and worksheet provided (tally chart).
Topic:Journey to school.
Subtopic:Reading a journey and then drawing a picture map showing the journey.
Where you can study from: Review worksheet done in class ‘journey to school 1 &2’.
Topic:Following a route
Subtopic: Following directions to accurately point out on a map the correct route given.
Where you can study from: Worksheet ‘following route’.
Type of Questions: •Fill in the blanks - Children will be given sentences where they will need to fill in the blanks with words form the word bank.
•True or False – Children will need to decide whether an answer is true or false.
•Matching – For example the children must match the name of an object with the appropriate image.
•Shorts answer questions – one word answer.
•Multiple choice questions (MCQ) – Children must pick the correct answer from a selection of questions.
Number of each type of question:5 questions for each section stated above.
Items needed for exam: Children should have a pencil, Sharpener, ruler and a rubber.
All work should be completed and handed in by January 3rd 2010.