International Tolerance Day
English Year 7C (Edinburgh)
England House - Kuwait
N. Ireland House - Palestine
Scotland House - Saudi Arabia
Wales House - Lebanon
As part of the International Day celebrations every student is required to present a number of pieces of work. You should have already received instructions from your teachers in all of your subjects.
Included in this preparation is a piece of research work that needs to be presented as a report. This will go towards your English grade for the term. It is very important that you follow these instructions very closely.
Look for your country above. It is your job to research your country and address the following.
1) Please research the following areas
a) Traditional Dress
b) Languages
c) Cultural Traditions
d) Communications
e) Literacy and Education
You may also include any other areas you feel important. Look at your other subject areas for ideas.
2) It is very important that your work is written in your own words.
3) Please include a title and contents page.
4) Please include a bibliography (list of books and websites used).This should be presented at the end of your work.
5) Your work should be typed using Times New Roman Size 12. You should aim to complete one side of A4 per topic and also include appropriate images and pictures from the internet. Aim for a minimum of 1500 words.
Please use your time at home wisely to produce this piece of work. I look forward to receiving them on the very first day back!
Mr Bennett