History 101: What is History? Name: _____________________
“All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” (T.E. Lawrence)
A) Copy the quotation in your notebook.
B) Using complete sentences, answer the following questions in your notebook:
1. Write a definition of vanity in your own words.
2. List two examples that demonstrate your understanding.
3. Who was T.E. Lawrence?
4. What does this quotation mean to you?
5. What dreams do you have?
C) Use this to sheet to record details of a particular incident in your early life. Choose one key memory from your past. It can be either a positive or negative moment. Then answer the following questions in your notebook. Remember to use complete sentences and follow proper writing conventions.
1. When did the event happen?
2. How old were you?
3. What exactly happened?
4. Can you describe the details of the scene – what it looked like, any smells, sounds, colours you remember?
5. Can you remember any dialogue (conversation) from the time this happened?
6. Why do you think this memory sticks in your mind so much?
7. How have you changed since then?
D) Revise YOUR time line for next class.