Task 1:
a) Recap what we have been told about Herod Sayle. Re-read page 92 description of Herod Sayle.
b) What do you of this character? Think. Pair Share: Discuss with partner and group why Herod’s personality matches his looks – would it be different if he were described more positively?
Task 2:
a) What do you know about Icebergs? How can we apply this to Herod Sayle’s character?
b) With your partner, list all the positive elements visible (above iceberg) and all invisible (beneath iceberg) about H. Sayle. When you make a new discovery about his character, be sure to add it to your lists.
c) What are the reasons behind his character you think thus far in the novel?
Task 3:
a) What makes a successful “baddie” in a spy novel? Discuss with a partner and make notes in Vocabulary/Literature notebook.
Task 4:
Complete FIELD REPORT (2 pg handout). Note: You must reread Ch 5. Please complete assignment on Handout.
Task 5: Read and summarize Chapters 9 and 10 in Vocabulary/Literature Notebook
Task 6: Locate a memorable quote from Chapter 7 and 8; record and document it, and write an explanation why it meant something to you in your notebook.